FutuCafe Slush 2019
Lucid Helsinki
Trash Design
Henrik Enbom
Hemmo Huntunen
Jari Miranda
By the year 2019, Slush had already established itself as one of the most interesting and most renowned events for tech & start-up peeps around the globe. We got the honor of helping Futurice bring their famous FutuCafe concept to the event. To that end, we joined forces with the awesome folks of Trash Design.
The result, well, not trash, but close – in a good way of course. Let us explain: we built the whole event booth out of recycled materials and repurposed items: pixel walls, neon signs, hanging gardens, the whole nine yards. The overall vibe truly resonated with the Slush-goers, as lines to get coffee or to use the AI refrigerators (yeah, we brought one) got pretty long, and as the day turned to the evening and our booth turned into a cocktail bar, there was no question which party rocked the most.